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How do I exclude a table from a freshness snapshot?

Some tables in a data source may be updated infrequently. If you've set a freshness property at the source level, this tableIn simplest terms, a table is the direct storage of data in rows and columns. Think excel sheet with raw values in each of the cells. is likely to fail checks.

To work around this, you can set the table's freshness to null (freshness: null) to "unset" the freshness for a particular table:


version: 2

- name: jaffle_shop
database: raw

warn_after: {count: 12, period: hour}
error_after: {count: 24, period: hour}

loaded_at_field: _etl_loaded_at

- name: orders
- name: product_skus
freshness: null # do not check freshness for this table